OTP Portal Intrigue


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate a mysterious portal secured by OTP authentication.


  • We are provided with an IP address:

  • Performing an nmap scan on it, we find the FTP port open.

  • We can login to the FTP server using anonymous.

  • Upon listing the files in the FTP server, we find a file named my_database.sql.

  • We can download the file and view its contents. mget my_database.sql

  • On opening the file, we find the credentialsadmin:admin and a TOTP YDTN2JY6CWKSK6PB3HNOAY4APASUVREM

  • On doing some research on TOTP, we find that it is a Time-based One-Time Password algorithm.

  • We can add YDTN2JY6CWKSK6PB3HNOAY4APASUVREM to Google Authenticator and login with the credentials we found from the SQL file.

  • We are asked for an OTP.

  • Entering the OTP which is displayed in the Google Authenticator app, we get the flag.

  • Flag: KPMG_CTF{324b7e52953f62f1624fb64a2e8202e4}

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